Monday, June 8, 2009

Hello World

Blogs are like assholes. Everyone has one, and they all stink.

Yeah, I know, HUGE revelation here. Everyone knows it, but bloggers rarely try to counter it within their own blogs. It's really tempting to start pushing your own ideals and political beliefs on your readers once your blog gets to a certain undetermined size. Most bloggers fall into this trap. In fact, every single one has fallen that I have ever picked up the RSS feed to because they were good at first.

I've avoided actually starting a real blog on a specific subject because I always felt that my own ideas are just that. Mine. Some I felt were fit to share with the world. Most were utter garbage in the end. SO I never started a blog. I didn't want to spew garbage intermingled with the good stuff over my fear of corrupting other people's ideas with my own bad ones.

Today that changes. I can't sit on the sidelines while my comments go unread, unreplied, nor when they get flam-bayed by clueless worshipers, or when the blog's author decides i'm way out of line.

So, here it is in all it's brokenness and corruptibility. My blog that is really my own personal responses list to the blogs that I read. Call it reblogging if you want as some do. It's just my thoughts on where a blogger went wrong with specific articles.


p.s. I'll probably be blogging a little about things in my life in general. It's just too tempting not to.

update: meh, decided this blog title didn't really work, but I'll reserve it for times when I need to strip the paint of party affiliation.